Your Revenue Gateway

We create a secure digital ad ecosystem that unlocks revenue like never before.
Welcome to the future of advertising!


Leveraging AdCurate™ data, AdFilter provides Publisher and Platforms filtering across their demand stack with customizable and granular blocking capabilities.

Access to real-time, human verified ad metadata

Effective filtering of ads based on unique customer preferences

Works across your entire demand stack


Append our code to any existing demand tags


The foundation and gold star standard for validated ad metadata.

AdCurate delivers real time human validated ad metadata to Publishers and Platforms requiring accuracy in their ad decisioning.

Access to real-time, human verified ad metadata

Leverage AdCurateTM data to build your own unique blocking profiles

Works across your entire demand stack


Access via AdCurateTM API


AdCurateTM filtering combined with our premium demand for Publishers and Platforms looking to add brand safe, incremental demand.

Access to real-time, human verified ad metadata

Effective filtering of ads based on unique customer preferences

Includes AdSource’s Premium demand


Simple VAST or oRTB integration

Current Partners

Learn more about how Safe ExchangeTM can protect your brand and revenue.

Safe ExchangeTM is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy, and we’ll only use the details given above to provide the products and services you have requested.

About A Parent Media Co. Inc.

A Parent Media Co. Inc. (APMC) was born of a commitment to build and deliver innovative digital solutions to consumers and brands.

As a family-based media and technology company, APMC has built a portfolio of digital services deeply rooted in safeguarding children and families online.

Our vision is a programmatic ad experience free of compromised brand and audience safety.

Safe Exchange delivers enterprise-level, ad-tech solutions through real-time, human ad moderation. Our revolutionary tools accurately classify, rate, and review creatives; ensuring all ads are high quality and audience appropriate.